We’ve come a long way since the site opened last April! I have a small favor to ask… we’ve received quite a few requests for different lessons and demos. Could you take a minute to let me know what need for future pastel painting lessons?
* Your First Name
* Your Email
* What’s your biggest struggle with pastels?
* Where are you at in your painting journey? I’m just starting out.I’m a serious hobbyist and have been painting for a while now.I’m a professional who wants to get my work into juried shows and galleries.
* What’s your preferred learning style? Select all that apply. 24x7 online accessDVDComplete any Lessons I choose from a lesson library.Planned Weekly CurriculumPersonal video critiques from a professional artistIn-Person WorkshopsOnline Live WorkshopsRecorded WorkshopsHard Copy BooksDownloadable Instructional PDF files or books
* When working with a professional artist, what’s your preferred payment plan? One time up front for a course or libraryOngoing smaller payments that I can pause when I’m busy
* What subjects would you like to see lessons cover? Select all that apply. I'd like a lesson or demo about: Type of Pastels to UseType of Paper to UseOther Equipment I NeedPlein Air PaintingBlendingCleaning My PastelsColor VibrancyOcean LandscapesWoods/Tree LandscapesClouds/SkyscapesFlowers/ Flower LandscapesSunrise/Sunset Any other items you'd like lessons or demos for?
* Are you interested in oil painting lessons? YesNo
* Are you interested in uploading your work for others to comment on? Yes, I’d like to share my workNo I don’t want to share but I like commenting on other people’s workI don’t want to share my work or comment on others’ work
* Would you benefit from a monthly painting prompt? YesNo
* Why or why not?